A fragile string of moments

One of my more successful pieces for my MA, what is being represented here is that we are connected by a fragile string of moments – if any of these moments don’t happen in perfect order couples might not meet, families might not be created. The forming of a relationship is so delicate, not only […]


I’m a huge fan of the website thenounproject.com and so created some of my own that have been submitted to the website.

Life is One Point Six

These images are initial ideas for posters that shows the crossing of two sets of lives (mother and child, and a unrelated man) in a seemingly unsignificant event, but in fact this cross of lives has the potential to have an enormous influence. I.e. the woman reads the headline of the newspaper through the window, […]

More sketches

Here’s a few sketches I’ve been doing as part of my MA, the sketches are of people from the book “We are the People” (see earlier post).

Urban Element Process Infographic.

I’ve been given the task of designing the UE process infographic, used when selling a package to clients and also as an internal tool to help us visualize how far along projects are. Here’s the stages…

A bit more sketchin

Got quite into this one, excessive use of a bic biro.


Buffa-mole. A mix between a buffalo and a mole.


Cross between a bumble bee and a bear. The major downfall of the bumble bear is that it can make its own honey, so just sits chomping away on that all day rather than doing anything else. Because of this it just gets fatter and fatter and is too filled with honey to try and […]

How to make a puffa pig puff

So another of my ideas is to have a cross breading zoo. This is the first one – a mix between a puffa fish and a pig –  a Puffa Pig. There are going to be more like these…